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Unconditional love
6:45 p.m. - 2009-06-06

I'm a sucker for romantic comedies. Stories that show true love winning out over life. Dads seeing their beautiful daughters become incredible women and considering themselves the luckiest men in the world to have a princess as their baby girl. But a part of me dies, knowing that my world isn't like that, and never will be. However, that doesn't stop me from WANTING it to be true, and if it can't be for me, then I want to know it is real for someone, somewhere. Because that's the way it should be.


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What if you don't have your health? - 2010-02-10
Homeless? - 2009-12-10
Painful admission - 2009-09-23
Unconditional love - 2009-06-06
Inspiring Procrastination - 2009-05-11

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